Challenge #10: How to donate clothes?

Select at least three sets of clothing that you no longer use and donate them to a charity of your choice or give them directly to those in need.

How to donate clothes

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

-Winston Churchill

Hey, dear Earthlings!

We all have some clothes in our closets, that we haven’t worn in months on even in years. Guess what? You are probably never going to wear those clothes again.

A vast majority of us also tend to keep clothes that have shrunk or stretched, those that don’t fit us any longer or that we simply don’t like anymore.

That’s why we urge you to take a few minutes of your time this week and pile up those type of clothes. Select only those you’re willing to give away and donate them.

Clothes donation guidelines

Below you can find some useful information on how to donate clothes, what’s the best place to donate clothes, where or how to find clothing donation drop off locations. You’ll also learn that some organizations offer free clothing donation pick up. Basically, we’ll provide you with some basic clothes donation guidelines, which will make it easier for you to pull it off.

How to donate clothes

Donating clothes is a very simple process. The hardest part is usually choosing the clothes that we’re willing to say goodbye to. After we’ve done that, the rest is like a walk in the park. Basically, you need to perform two steps:

Select clothes you don't use

  1. Select all the clothes that you don’t like, that you haven’t worn in a very long time and those that don’t fit you anymore.
  2. Go online and type into google: clothing donation near me. As the first result, you’ll see a map with different locations marked with letters in red circles. Simply select one of those – you’ll probably go for the closest one, and drive all the clothes you’ve select to that location. There are many clothing donation drop off locations out there, it’s totally up to you which one you’ll choose. Here are some suggestions with links (for the US citizens):


“No one has ever become poor from giving”

– Anne Frank 

The best place to donate clothes

If you ask us, there is no such thing as the best place to donate clothes. All of the above options are great and there are many other decent options. You can even give your clothes to those in need personally. If you have seen any homeless people close to your home or if you know someone who might really use an extra pair of clothes, take what you’ve selected and give it to them.

Whether you’ll take clothes you’ve selected to clothing donation drop off location or you’ll arrange clothing donation pick up or even deliver them personally to someone in need, those pieces of fabric will for sure be way better used than laying around in your closet.

What will you get out of donating clothes?
1.) You’ll feel great about doing something nice for others.

There is a great feeling most of us experience when performing any kind of good dead. It might be a bit selfish to help others to experience that, but if it comes on the side, why not enjoy it, right? We think most of you agree with us if we say that there is no wrong reason for doing good deeds. As long as you are helping someone without harming anyone else, you’re doing a great job. And if you’ll feel better about yourself along the way, even better.

2.) You’ll clean up your closet and make some extra room for new clothes.

A lot of us tend to mess up our closets over time and we often tend to struggle with space. People tend to delay tidying up our closets because it’s really easy to just close the door and hide the mess, that’s why we can all use an extra encouragement to put our closets in order. Moreover, most of us could also really use some additional space in our closets.


Tidy closet

Extra: Some of the best closet storage solutions

We often struggle with room and ways to organize our clothes and shoes. Here you’ll find some suggestions on how to make the most of the space that’s at your disposal.

If you have a closet room, you can make it very organized by placing in a freestanding closet skeleton or a closet organizer kit. Here are some top suggestions: Seville Classics, Whitmore, and John Luis Home Depth Woodcrest organizer.

You can easily create additional shelves by installing a hanging closet organizer. A very useful item is also a garment rack, especially the one with wheels since you can easily move it that way. A good and easy to move shoe rack can also make your life a lot easier. Moreover, pants racks can be extremely practical to use the space below hanging jackets or shirts.

Take-home points:
  • donate clothes you aren’t using;
  • drop them off at clothing donation drop off locations or apply for a clothing donation pick up;
  • by donating clothes you’ll help people in need;
  • by donating clothes you’ll feel great;
  • by donating clothes you’ll clean up your closet;
  • organize your closet by placing in a freestanding closet skeleton or a closet organizer kit.

Have a nice week.


Good Earthlings

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