About us

Hey everyone, we are a young married couple from Europe trying to make the World a better place.

In the past few years, we’ve traveled a lot since we really love exploring new places and we simply adore the beautiful sights that nature has to offer all over the globe. But unfortunately, in almost every country of the world, there are some problems. Whether those are political, social or environmental they all have one thing in common – they were mainly caused by mankind. A real shocker, right? Due to the high and intense pace of our lives, people tend to be really inconsiderate towards each other and toward the Mother Nature. OK, of course, there are also some people who are simply mean but let us hope for the sake of our future that those are in minority.

Now you’re probably thinking who are these two smart asses telling us something we all know, so please, bear with us.

We are aware that most of you out there know what it takes to be a good kid, a good man, a good woman, a good person, a good citizen and ultimately a good Earthling. But if you really think about it, you might realize that you’re actually not doing the best you could. Are we right? Hey, don’t get us wrong we’re not judging, we are exactly the same. That’s why we’ve decided to try and do our best or at least better in the future.

We plan on doing one nice thing for our planet or fellow human each week. We can call those “weekly challenges” or “weekly tasks”. Since the two of us can’t change much by doing this alone we urge you to join us. More on this in the “About the Good Earthling Challenge” tab.

For now, we will try to keep our identities hidden, since we believe that each good deed has a greater effect if people don’t know who exactly is “behind the mask”. We really hope you can understand and respect that.

Keep your eyes open for our sign:

Be a Good Earthling


And don’t forget: Together we can really change the World!


Good Earthling #1 & Good Earthling #2

Founders of Be a Good Earthling
email: support@beagoodearthling.com