Eat right

eat fresh vegetables

Nutrition basics

Since eating is also a very important part of our lives – we can only go a few days without it before our body shuts down, everyone should know a thing or two about nutrition.

We found this great article about nutrition basics that we really recommend you to read it. It explains the difference between macronutrients and micronutrients and the division of those in a very simple way. Moreover, it tells a reader which of those are good for their body and health, and in which kind of food can the good nutrients be found. Read more.

Eating habits guidelines

Since the type of food we consume is extremely important for our everyday wellbeing, we’ve decided to prepare a list of simple guidelines for you to follow when it comes to your eating habits. We gave our best to provide you with all the tricks we’ve learned about over the years. Follow the list below to make the most out of the food you consume.

1.) Include as much organic food as possible into your diet. Avoid processed food as much as possible.

“When you start eating food without labels, you no longer need to count calories.”

–Amanda Kraft

2.) Food of vegetable origin is far healthier than the food of animal origin.

3.) Drink a lot of water (every now and then squeeze in a bit of lemon juice).

4.) Drink at least 1 cup of green tea each day.

5.) You should stick to drinks listed herein and avoid all others. Occasionally you can treat yourself with a cup of coffee (one cup a day), a glass of red wine (one 0.1 l glass per day), or a glass of beer (one 0.5 l glass per day). Do not drink processed juices or soft drinks since those contain tons of sugar.

6.) Make sure your diet is versatile and balanced.

7.) Have at least 3 meals a day. (5 is recommendable)

8.) Make sure the majority of the food you eat is alkaline (vegetables).

9.) Avoid unhealthy food:

  • no sugar (if you like your food sweet, use healthier alternative sweeteners (honey)),
  • no white flour and its products,
  • less salt,
  • less meat,
  • avoid bad carbs (everything that contains a lot of sugar, white flour, white pasta…),
  • fewer dairy products,
  • less processed food,
  • less alcohol (max. for men = two 0.1 dl glasses of wine per day or two 0,3 dl glasses of beer per day; for women = one 0.1 dl glass of wine per day or one 0,3 dl glass of beer per day).

10.) Eat healthy food:

  • VEGETABLES!!! (GARLIC, onions, legumes, head vegetables, spinach, rocket, dandelion, kale, broccoli, avocados…)
  • Fruits (LEMONS, blueberries, bananas, plums, cherries, pears, raspberries, strawberries, other berries…)
  • Wholegrain grains (spelt), wholegrain rice, (always choose wholegrain or spelt products)
  • Seeds (linseed, chia seeds…)
  • Nuts
  • Fish (especially sea fish) – 1-2x per week
  • Lean meat – max. 3x per week
  • Eggs
  • Herbs and spices (turmeric, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, mushroom, cumin, basil, oregano, saffron, chives, parsley, cayenne pepper, ginger…)
  • Probiotics
  • So-called superfood – goji berries etc.
  • Healthy unsaturated fats and oils, healthy complex carbs, proteins, fruits, and lots of veggies

Eat Healthy Food

11.) Eat at least 5 portions of fruits and veggies per day (one portion = hand full).

12.) Stop once you’re 80 % full, avoid overeating.

13.) Eat slowly; enjoy your food with all your senses.

14.) Chew your food well.

15.) Do not drink during your meal or up to 30 min after.

16.) Drink a glass of water right before a meal.

17.) Do not eat too late.

18.) Try to eat at the approximately same time each day. Regular rhythm has a positive effect on your digestion.

19.) Avoid very cold or very hot food.

20.) Super spice mix: ¼ teaspoon of turmeric, ½ teaspoon of olive oil, and a pinch of fresh ground pepper.

21.) Natural antibiotics: garlic, lemon, honey, ginger, turmeric, sage, cabbage, oregano, Echinacea, tea tree, cranberries, cinnamon, thyme…

“If we eat wrongly, no doctor can cure us. If we eat right, no doctor is needed.”

–Victor G. Rocine

22.) Buy organic food (BIO).

23.) Do not fry your food since it destroys all of the nutrients. The best way to prepare your food is by cooking it in a wok or steaming it. When baking, roasting or grilling use less oil (the best oil for roasting is rapeseed oil).

Use wok to prepare a healthy meal

24.) Include fresh (raw) food in your diet (you get the most out of raw veggies).

25.) Generally speaking, Japanese and Mediterranean food are the healthiest in the world.

26.) To detoxify your body it is advisable to fast yourself for one day once a month.

27.) To alkalinize your body drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking soda.

28.) Remember: In small amounts, no food is magically healthy or poisonous. Dosing is super important.

“Health requires healthy food.”

–Roger Williams

We really hope you’ll be able to implement as many of upper point into your daily diet. We are very confident that you can benefit a lot from these guidelines. Make sure to be consistent and turn them into habits.

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With love and care,

Good Earthlings