Together we can change the world 

Awaken a Good Earthling in You

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 Plant a tree as often as you can and offset your CO2 footprint 


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Make the world a better place

Dear fellow Earthlings! Back in 2016, we ran a yearly challenge of 52 weekly challenges that are one of the best places to start your path towards making the world a better place. We...

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All about you

This page and all sub-pages are here to help you improve your life in any possible way. Here, we'll make it all about you. We hope you agree with us, that it goes well...

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Challenge #24: Plant a tree

Plant a tree. "The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now." -Darrell Putman (more…)

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Let's get something straight right away, ENHANCED GLOBAL WARMING IS A FACT. It is not something you can believe in or not. It is as real as gravity, but luckily, we can get rid...

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whats new in the shop

Pudding $150

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae magna at elit dignissim sodales. Cras vehicula erat in volutpat placerat. Morbi condimentum augue quis justo aliquet molestie. Donec a justo ut nulla faucibus maximus. Nullam porta laoreet nulla, ac porta est ultricies nec.

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Spinch $100

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae magna at elit dignissim sodales. Cras vehicula erat in volutpat placerat. Morbi condimentum augue quis justo aliquet molestie. Donec a justo ut nulla faucibus maximus. Nullam porta laoreet nulla, ac porta est ultricies nec.

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Pomegranate $150

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras vitae magna at elit dignissim sodales. Cras vehicula erat in volutpat placerat. Morbi condimentum augue quis justo aliquet molestie. Donec a justo ut nulla faucibus maximus. Nullam porta laoreet nulla, ac porta est ultricies nec.

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my story


Quisque lectus neque, condimentum ut sapien non, bibendum laoreet elit. Cras lacus odio, dignissim vel fringilla eu, tristique id dolor. In vitae mi ut sem feugiat pretium eget at tellus. Nullam gravida mauris quam, sed commodo metus iaculis ut. Vivamus vel justo dapibus, auctor ex vel, rhoncus libero. Cras ut mi molestie, fringilla risus ut, aliquet mi. Praesent eget nibh nisl. Integer ex erat, cursus et vulputate vitae, tristique id quam. Nulla tellus massa, placerat a mattis a, bibendum vel massa.

In et consequat sem. Morbi dui lacus, vehicula ut tempus vel, pretium non nunc. Vivamus sed lobortis urna. Vivamus rhoncus libero non mattis accumsan. Fusce fermentum odio et ex posuere pharetra. Suspendisse lacinia volutpat ornare. Donec ac risus pulvinar, faucibus dui venenatis, porta ex. Sed sapien lorem, gravida et eros ornare, volutpat hendrerit tortor. Fusce imperdiet semper congue. Nullam hendrerit sem ac dolor bibendum, eu tempus neque gravida. Mauris

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